Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Ok I don't know if we are supposed to exactly "maintain" weight on phase 4 because it's not exactly written out in the details. I'm not sure why but when I woke up this morning and weighed I was down 1 lb from yesterday taking me below LDW (last dose weight) over 2 lbs. This means I've lost more than 20 lbs... 22.5 to be exact! OMG I'm sooo excited.

I ate left over salad on Sunday and it made me sick. I was seriously ill all day. TMI Warning: I actually threw it up later in the evening. I didn't eat anything else that day because I wasn't feeling well.

Monday I wasn't feeling so well still but I did eat. I can't remember what I ate but I know I did.

Tuesday I took the boys to McD's and I went to Beto's and got a Chicken burrito and chips with Guac and a side of pinto beans. I ate almost half of the chips and almost half of the burrito. I think the beans are still in the fridge. LOL I was SOOOO full all day. I didn't eat anything else all day. Oh wait I did have a sugar cookie left over from convention that I saved in my bag. I think I ate some trail mix with A that morning too. I ate the m&m's and peanuts and she had the raisins. I wasn't supposed to start until Wed. Ooopsie... I lost track of days.

Today! Wednesday... I had 3 chocolate covered cinnamon bears for breakfast and I did share with A again. Then we went to Leatherby's for lunch after swimming lessons. I had Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich with cheese fries and of course fry sauce and shared an Isaiah's Almond joy with a side of hot fudge with my husband. YUMMMY!!! I was sooo sick. I had a ton of water. My mom brought me a large Peach Iced Tea from Sonic. It is sooo sweeet I still have half of it sitting here.

I'm supposed to start the HCG again this weekend. Saturday actually. This time I'm planning on 40 days. Maybe even 60 days. I'm going to have to look at the calendar and see where the days take me. I want to eat Tgiving dinner! and yummies at the holidays. Soooo time will tell.

I'm going to Sushi this weekend and hopefully Indian Food and my favorite Morelia's at some point. I'm ready to take the scales down more.

Thanks for the support and cheerleading... it's soooo helpful and rewarding.

Oh and today.... I talked to my BFF in NJ and am going to send her my clothes that I shrink out of because she's shrinking too. She's just a little bit behind me. So, I may as well share the wealth. She's catching up fast. LOL My next size down from what I started with is starting to fall off. Even without losing actual weight I'm losing inches because they are getting bigger and bigger on me.


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