Thursday, August 28, 2008



Weight: -3.4
Total: -26.6

Sublingual Spray 300 IU hcg daily.
5000 iu HCG
5 ml b-12
15 ml 80 proof Vodka
Metered Spray .5 (12 sprays)
6 in morning 6 in evening

8/10 Released Load Day 1 For a total of 17.0
8/11 Gained Load Day 2 +.6 For a total of 16.4
8/12 Released VLCD1 -.8 For a total of 17.2
8/13 Released VLCD2 -1.6 For a total of 18.8
8/14 Gained VLCD3 +.6 For a total of 18.2
8/15 Released VLCD4 -2 For a total of 20.2
8/16 Released VLCD5 -1 For a total of 21.2
8/17 Gained VLCD6 +.8 For a total of 20.4 TOM
8/18 Released VLCD7 -.2 For a total of 20.6
8/19 Released VLCD8 -2.6 For a total of 23.2
8/20 Released VLCD9 -1 For a total of 24.2
8/21 Gained VLCD10 +1.4 For a total of 22.8
8/22 Released VLCD11 -.4 For a total of 23.2
8/23 Released VLCD12 -.4 For a total of 23.6
8/24 Released VLCD13 -.2 For a total of 23.8
8/25 Released VLCD14 -.4 For a total of 24.2
8/26 Released VLCD15 -.4 For a total of 24.6
8/27 Gained VLCD16 +1.4 For a total of 23.2 (apple day)
8/28 Released VLCD17 -3.4 For a total of 26.6

YAY!! Finally... hopefully this is the beginning of another downhill loss.

To add to yesterdays "off" day I forgot to do the HCG before I went to bed too. UGH! So, I took it at 7 am this morning (only 4 sprays) and will do it again at my normal times today. I feel "lighter" too. It's always uplifting to get a loss after being discouraged for a few days.

I went to lunch with my dad and kids and had a chicken salad. Then I didn't eat again until I got home from the viewing I went to and I had lettuce and about a cup of cottage cheese.

I felt "lighter" today not that heavy feeling. I think I'm going to start taking my supplements, Enzymes, Cleanse, Multi-Vitamin and Antioxident. I hope that won't affect anything.

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