Monday, June 30, 2008

6/30/08 R1P2VLCD7

Weight: .4 lbs Gain
Total Release: 10.8 lbs.
Body Fat: 59.7%
Hydration: 29.4%

Sublingual Spray 125 IU hcg daily.
5000 iu HCG
15 ml b-12
5 ml 80 proof Vodka
Metered Spray .5 (6 sprays)
3 in morning 3 in evening

R1P2LD1 6/22 = +2 lbs

R1P2LD2 6/23 = +1.5 lbs
TOTAL Gain: = 3.5 lbs
R1P2VLCD1 6/24 = -5.2 lbs
R1P2VLCD2 6/25 = -3.9 lbs Total released 8
R1P2VLCD3 6/26 = -1.2 lbs Total released 9.2
R1P2VLCD4 6/27 = -.8 lbs Total released 10
R1P2VLCD5 6/28 = -7.2 lbs Total released 17.2
R1P2VLCD6 6/29 = +6 lbs Total released 11.2
R1P2VLCD7 6/30 = +.4 lbs Total release 10.8 (TOM)

Last night I went to sleep with a horrible headache. I woke up with a visitor full on. I started my peroid (TOM = that time of the month). YUCK! I still have a headache too.

Ok I had a headache ALL day.

I ate an apple about noon... then I ate my lunch about 1-2ish. I don't even remember. I boiled spinach again and put lemon juice and sea salt on it. The spinach didn't taste as good today but the chicken was good.

I tried to take a nap and U came home so I went into my room to close the door. I finally did get to sleep and it was time to take the boys to get their Chiro Xrays done. So, we ALL went to the Chiro. I took some Tylenol before we left. I REALLY couldn't function. That's SO not like me. It was almost like a migrane. The tylenol finally helped a while later.

After the Chiro we were there a long time... didn't leave until 6ish. So, we went to Applebee's for Dinner. I heard they have a good WW menu so I figured I could get something. I ordered the Cajun Lime Tilapia with a side salad instead of the sides that come with it and NO dressing. I ate half the tilapia with the salad. I also had 2 glasses of Iced Tea with lots of lemon. Yes I'm eating more than 1 lemon juice a day. I have to have it on some things and I didn't have stevia with me for the tea. It was only 160 calories for the Tilapia I ate and I brought the rest home to have tomorrow. YIPEE!! I was actually WAY full!!

U got a dessert and I didn't even taste it. I did eat the 1 crouton off my salad. LOL I hope that doesn't affect me too much. I was tempted to eat 1 french fry but I knew that one would lead to more so I was good.

I'm going to eat half a grapefruit in just a bit and then get to bed.

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