Monday, June 16, 2008

Starting my HCG journey

I need to think of a cute creative name for my HCG journey... Help!

Today I have all the supplies to mix my HCG and get started. I'm helping friends get started too. However, they are doing injections and I'm doing sublingual.

Injections = needles
sublingual = under the tongue

I've been very excited to do this up until now. I haven't been doing so well keeping up on my bodybugg and I think it's because I knew I was going to start this journey. I also went on vacation. I did wear it though. I took it off to go on the airplane. Didn't know if it would cause issues through security.

So my excitement has turned into being nervous, stress and worry. I'm nervous about being good about doing this every day. I'm stressing about how hard it's going to be because I know it's not going to be easy. Then I'm worrying about it because I'll have to make me something different than I'm making the rest of the family. We haven't been eating at home much and during the summer that gets worse because we are on the go a lot. With this change I will have to cook more. When I start cooking I'm ok with it. It's the getting started that's the hardest part.

I'm going walking with Jenn tonight. First time in 2 weeks. I'm excited. I need to get out and we have a good time chatting while we walk.

Tomorrow hopefully I have first day post of starting the HCG diet. I don't think we are ready to start yet but we'll see.

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