Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Delaying start day, I think...

Ok so I have to get the supplies for the injections and I'm really nervous about this. I don't know where to go or start. U called Walgreens and they said you don't have to have a prescription to get them but I'm still nervous about it.

We talked about starting Wednesday but honestly I think it will be best to start on Friday or Saturday. The first two days are fat loading days and the 3rd day is the VLCD so it would be best not to start the VLCD on Friday.

I bought some Chicken on Friday to cut into portions and freeze but I think it's bad sitting in my fridge. I guess I need to either throw it away and get more or take it back. Today is the expiration on one of them the other expiration is the 18th. So they shouldn't be smelly yet.

Going to bed... A was asleep EARLY tonight so I have a feeling she's going to be up sometime in the middle of the night or way too early in the morning.

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